It’s the Position Not the Condition
Today’s blog title is a line you will hear frequently from anyone who teaches the Egoscue Method® of Health Through Motion. Many of the physical “Conditions” individuals are diagnosed with today are really a result of faulty postural alignment. Two of the Conditions that have become commonplace in our current cultural environment are Rotator Cuff Tears and Carpel Tunnel Syndrome. Both are related to the same dysfunctional Position of shoulders locked forward. Both are also considered “Repetitive Motion” injuries.
Before I address each of these Conditions, I want to challenge the widely adopted view that doing some kind of motion over and over again will somehow wear out the body parts that are involved in that motion. The problem is not in the repetitive motion itself but in its restrictive nature. Pete Egoscue says in Pain Free at Your PC, “If you replace the word repetitive with restricted, it’s a more accurate label for these common injuries. By limiting movement to just a few of the same moves that occur over and over again, we are creating musculoskeletal imbalances.” The answer is not to further limit the already restricted motion, but to augment it with a variety of motion that supports the otherwise inactive muscles. We are not born with a certain number of times we can rotate our shoulders, bend our knees, or flex our wrists before they wear out. It is the resulting imbalance that is the problem, not the motion itself.

Take a look at yourself in a full-length mirror in your normal standing position. Where are your hands? Can you see most of your fingers and the backs of your hands, or do you only see your thumbs and a side view of your fingers stacked one in front of the other? If you see the backs of your hands, your shoulders are locked in a forward position. The good news is this is correctable with an Egoscue Method® routine that specifically targets the muscles that will realign those shoulders and address any additional dysfunctions.
Contact me for your evaluation today! Your Health is in Your Hands!
*Based on Pete Egoscue’s books, The Egoscue Method of Health Through Motion and Pain Free at Your PC
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