Thursday, February 23, 2012

Hiking Feeds Body, Mind and Spirit

Deer Springs Trail, Idyllwild
Tenaja Falls
Santa Rosa Plateau at Dusk
Stepping out into nature can provide great exercise, respite from the stresses of daily life and time to reconnect with a friend, a mate, God, the Universe, and your higher self.  Depending on where you live, access to large parks or preserves may or may not be easily reached in a reasonable amount of time.  If not, a local neighborhood park, or any place with some open space and some “living things” can do the trick.  Just stepping out of our everyday environment can give us the chance for some deep breathing and sighs of relief.  Allowing time for these kinds of breaks often provides the opening for creative thought—a new idea, or a solution to a problem you didn’t see before.

Water Holes Canyon

Suicide Rock, Idyllwild
Last summer Dave and I hiked in several locations in Riverside County in Southern California, and in Page AZ near Lake Powell.  We visited the Santa Rosa Plateau on a late afternoon and early evening with a full moon rising, and on another occasion, hiked to Tenaja Falls and sat on the rocks surrounding a pool that collects the cascading water.  

Horseshoe Bend
On Labor Day weekend, we hiked Deer Springs Trail to Suicide Rock in Idyllwild, among some magnificent trees and enjoyed stunning views from the edge of the cliffs.  Later in September on a house boating trip to Lake Powell we had the opportunity to visit Antelope Canyon, and to hike in Water Holes Canyon, and to an overlook of Horseshoe Bend in the Grand Canyon.  The red rock formations carved out by moving water over many millenniums are absolutely exquisite!

Ridge Line on Camelback Mountain

Superstition Mountains
Since moving to Arizona almost two months ago, I have had the opportunity to hike in various places around the Phoenix/Mesa area.  I had no idea how many options were available within about a 30 mile radius!  I have now been to the Superstition Mountains to the east, Camelback Mountain to the West, the South Mountains (I think you can guess the direction), and the McDowell Sonoran Preserve to the north.  Each is unique in the type of terrain it offers and there are trails of varying lengths and difficulty, so it is easy to find something that suits your mood, energy levels, and ability.

McDowell Sonoran Preserve
McDowell Sonoran Perserve

In April Dave and I are planning weekend trips to Sedona and the Grand Canyon.  Stay tuned for details and photos!

Make plans to take a hike or a walk in nature and enjoy its many benefits!  Your Health is in Your Hands!


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