In my last blog, Designed to Move, I shared with you the important role motion plays in maintaining the health of all of our body’s systems. Today I want to talk about how failing to move creates a downward spiral that makes it increasingly more and more difficult to adequately move our bodies and stave off dysfunction, pain and illness. Let’s start with a little perspective.

The increasing occurrences today of bodily breakdowns that result in such things as plantar fascitis, knee injuries, carpal tunnel syndrome, rotator cuff issues, and hip replacements are not a result of faulty design of the human body but of a flawed environment. With each labor saving device we incorporate into our daily lives, our motion is restricted more and more. Without adequate motion, the muscles, designed to walk, run, reach, climb, jump, swing a golf club, and even sit properly, atrophy. Inactive muscles lose their ability to contract. An efficient organism (which our human body is) doesn’t waste resources on unused functions. The more inactivity, the more incapacity.

Most of us spend our days sedentary and as a result, our posture muscles disengage because they are not being used. So, when we decide to stand up, the body has to figure our how it will accomplish this. Being a master at adaptation, it recruits other lesser muscles, usually on the outer periphery of the body, to help out. The problem is that these muscles are not strong enough or in the right locations to maintain the right angles and parallel lines. In the interest of moving, the body compensates for the lost or dysfunction and sacrifices alignment. The problem is that lost alignment, or dysfunction, interferes with proper range of motion, which in turn leads to more lost alignment, compensation and dysfunction. Eventually there is pain to signal that something isn’t right, and ultimately, if not corrected, the body can no longer stand upright and can’t move.

The Egoscue Method® provides proper motion through a series of e-cises chosen specifically to address your unique alignment issues. With 20 minutes to an hour daily, you can regain your design function. For more information on The Egoscue Method® please visit my website at, or contact me by email @ or call me at 951 704-5965.
Material based on Pete Egoscue’s book, Pain Free at Your PC
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